Men's aesthetic Thai massage

Service & Menu
Thailand female is responsible for massage, home of Thai ancient massage
Thai massage
It is one of the traditional medicine in Thailand, it is a relaxing massage that evenly stimulates the energy line flowing through the whole body with the relaxation effect of muscle by stretching and the rhythm adapted to breathing. This will improve the energy flow and enhance self healing power.
60 Min - ¥6,000
90 Min - ¥9,000
120Min -¥12,000
VIP course
Thai traditional massage
oil massage
Tummy massage
Foot massage massage
Oil massage
Oil massage is a treatment that softly stimulates along the flow of the lymph duct just under the skin, encourages the flow of lymph and promotes normal metabolism. Although it does not do stretch like Thai ancient massage, it softens muscle fatigue with soft stimulation transmitted to muscle core and improves physical condition.
60 Min - ¥8,000
90 Min - ¥11,000
120Min -¥13,000
Extend Time
01 Thai massage 30Min - ¥3,000
02 Oil massage 30Min - ¥4,000
03 Vipcourse 30Min - ¥5,000
Choosing ¥1,000
70 Min - ¥13,000
100 Min - ¥15,000
130Min - ¥18,000

Relaxed, chillin ...
The brain during massage is full of alpha waves!
Thai traditional massage is a massage that gives "whole body", "massage", "stretch" slowly and politely. And it is a service done in the transformer state entrusting the body and the heart to the therapist. Although recovery of fatigue is obvious, it is said that it has the effect of bringing mental stability from the action of arranging autonomic nerves and sustaining a relaxed state. It is also extremely effective in relieving stress. By all means at our shop, please experience "Thai ancient massage" of gentle and cheerful Thai woman.
Please have a moment of peace of mind


My Salon
OJ building 701 1-21-2
oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo
Mon - San : 12am - 24am
Last order : 24am